Improved navigation and usability with color tabs on the edges of the book's pages and with answers directly following each chapter.Updated content throughout matches the latest evidence-based guidelines and treatment protocols.Emphasis on the NCLEX Examination’s management-of-care focus addresses the heavy emphasis on prioritization, delegation, and patient assignment in the current NCLEX-RN® Examination.Interactive practice quizzing on Evolve allows you to create a virtually unlimited number of practice sessions in Study Mode or Exam Mode.

Answer keys offer a detailed rationale and an indication of the focus of the question to encourage formative assessment.This new edition features more than 60 pages of additional questions, a completely new pharmacology chapter and questions, a content re-alignment to match the latest National League for Nursing guidelines for delegation and patient assignment, increased inclusion of LGBTQ-related scenarios, updated infection control coverage, and much more! Kumaga, Linda A.Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment: Practice Exercises for the NCLEX® Examination, 4 th Edition is the original and most popular NCLEX review book on the market focused exclusively on building prioritization, delegation, and patient assignment skills! Using a unique simple-to-complex approach, this best-selling text establishes your foundational knowledge of management of care, then provides exercises of increasing difficulty to help you transition to practice in today's fast-paced healthcare environment. ( Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment: Practice Exercises for the NCLEX Examination 4th Edition Barbara Bartz, Candice K. Nurse managers have told us many times that novice nurses and even some experienced nurses lack the expertise to effectively and safely practice these skills in real-world settings. Our students and graduate nurses have repeatedly told us of their difficulties with the application of these principles when taking program exit and licensure examinations. Prioritization, delegation, and assignment are essential concepts and skills for nursing practice. A second and equally important purpose of the book is to assist students, novice nurses, and seasoned nurses in applying concepts of prioritization, delegation, and assignment to nursing practice in today’s patient care settings. Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment: Practice Exercises for the NCLEX Examination has evolved since its first edition from a medical-surgical nursing–focused test preparation workbook to a resource that spans general nursing knowledge while emphasizing management of care to assist students in preparing for the NCLEX® Examination.